What Lisa’s clients have to say
“In February 2006 I was in a car accident where my vehicle was rear-ended. The whiplash injury I sustained involved pain throughout my head, neck and shoulders. I had constant headaches and with a history of migraines this was doubly excruciating. It was difficult to sleep because even my head touching the pillow caused pain. I barely had any range of motion in my head. I couldn’t do any of the things I loved – reading, gardening, and painting. Within a month the pain became so unbearable that I sought an acupuncturist for acute treatment. Fortunately I found Lisa Ledbetter. Within weeks I was able to sleep without pain, the headaches diminished and range of motion increased. Sadly, during this time my father became seriously ill and passed away in May. Lisa not only continued treating my injuries with acupuncture but also included emotionally balancing. Time between treatments decreased and I continued to steadily improve. A year later I have only minor residual effects from the accident. I am more grounded. My immune system functions more efficiently. I feel healthy and there are no physical limitations. The chronic migraines have all but disappeared, something I never thought possible. Throughout this past year Lisa has been a tremendous support, healer and educator on the benefits of acupuncture. I needed not only treatment that addressed acute and chronic issues but also included a holistic approach. And, Lisa continues to provide that.” -G.C. Evergreen, CO

“Acupuncture was such a foreign concept to me, never believing it would help my chronic neck and back pain. In complete desperation for pain relief and some gentle prodding from Lisa, I gave acupuncture a try. That was 4 years ago and now I am off all muscle relaxants and pain meds. But the right acupuncturist is the key to success and Lisa has proven to be that person. She is extremely knowledgeable, patient and gentle in her demeanor. She has given me pain free days, lowered my anxiety and helped with my sleep issues. For this I am forever grateful. Thank you Lisa!”
– M.F. Denver, CO
“My wife tried getting me to do this for a year. My migraines were debilitating. In the throws of a week long headache, I caved in…surrendered! After the first session of acupuncture, my headache was gone for the day. After four sessions of acupuncture, I got to the point where I couldn’t remember the last headache I had!
This will change your life!” -K.K. Littleton, CO

“Lisa has helped me tremendously with my neck and shoulder issues. I have been seeing Lisa for a few years and her treatments always work on my issues. Basically my only option according to my physician was surgery. I told her I was having success with acupuncture and she said then definitely continue that treatment if it is working for you because no one wants to have neck surgery if avoidable. The results I get from Lisa’s treatments are truly amazing.
I have also seen Lisa periodically for stress issues and I get immediate relief from her treatments ~ it is amazing! Lisa is so knowledgeable and knows exactly how to treat my various problems. I hope to continue with acupuncture for years to come!” – K.M. Littleton, CO
“Acupuncture was an integral part of my life throughout my breast cancer diagnosis. Lisa was able to help me with everything including boosting my immune system, stress management, alleviating headaches and nausea, and pain management. I would highly recommend Lisa Ledbetter and her acupuncture methods to anyone who is dealing with any sort of pain or ailment. It changed my life!”
– L.C. Denver, CO

“Having never tried acupuncture I was more than hesitant it would have any lasting affect on my knee pain. To my surprise it has made a world of difference in decreasing my pain level and my ability to be more active and exercise.”
– D.B. Lakewood, CO
I started going to Lisa about 4 years ago for several different reasons. Assist me to quit smoking, weight loss, and anxiety. Then 2 years ago I dislocated my shoulder and PT wasn’t doing much, then I had 6 treatments with Lisa, and she worked her magic in those 6 treatments and the results were astounding! I’ve seen her help so many people and she is truly the best at what she does!
-J.V. Denver, CO

“I have been seeing Lisa bi weekly for 10 years now. She has helped me through emotional, mental and physical issues from anxiety and stress, all the way to endometriosis pain. She guided me through an intestinal candida cleanse that helped me shed weight and get healthy. I even noticed a huge difference in my inflammation after having CoolSculpting done the day before seeing her. I go to her for sinus and cold issues because acupuncture is less invasive and works quickly without side effects. We even did NAET this past year to help with food allergies. I can’t even begin to describe the difference it has made in my daily life. I also get the homeopathic facial injections and recently in the past few months have been receiving the microneedling/acupuncture procedure she offers. I can tell a difference in the wrinkles on my face and am happy with the result! My husband also goes to her bi weekly. We both strongly believe in acupunctures health benefits and encourage our friends and family to try it as well. There is so much that acupuncture does for me that I honestly can’t see my life without it. Whatever my issue is I know I can go to Lisa and she has either an acupuncture point or Chinese herbs that can help. I highly recommend her!”
-R.E. Lakewood, CO
“I was terrified of needles and Lisa really put me at ease. I hardly felt a thing and the tension in my shoulders was immediately relieved.”
– C.B. Littleton, CO